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2010worldcup : South Africa 2010 FIFA Wo
All about the 2010 FIFA World Cup in South-Africa!

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Creació: 11/03/2010 19:23
Actualitzar: 11/03/2010 19:42
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Imatges 13
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2010worldcup :: South Africa 2010 FIFA Wo

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bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Article: 2010 FIFA World Cup :: Relocation rumours - 11/03/2010 19:36

2010 FIFA World Cup :: Relocation rumours

During 2006 to 2007, rumours circulated in various news sources that the 2010 World Cup could be moved to another country.[31][32] Some people, including Franz Beckenbauer, Horst R. Schmidt and, reportedly, some FIFA executives, expressed concern over the planning, organisation, and pace of South Africa's preparations.[31][33] However, FIFA officials repeatedly expressed their confidence in South Africa as host, and stated that the event will not be moved, with FIFA president Sepp Blatter re-iterating that "Plan A... Plan B... Plan C is that the 2010 World Cup will be staged in South Africa".[34][35] Blatter stated that there is a contingency plan to hold the World Cup elsewhere but only in the event of a natural catastrophe, and that the 2006 FIFA World Cup in Germany also had a similar contingency plan.[35][36][37]

Despite reassurances by FIFA that the event would only be moved in the case of natural catastrophe, rumours continued to circulate about possible relocation of the event.[38] These rumours were criticised by South Africa's Deputy Finance Minister Jabu Moleketi, saying that some have targeted the event to reflect their persistent negativity towards South Africa and Africa.